It's important to understand that not everything is about how much time and money an organization saves through tech, but also how we can reduce risk, provide a better quality of work for our internal clients, and a better experience for customers and vendors.
Key takeaways
Here are some learnings from his conversation with Ironclad’s Director of Digital Success, Caitlin Wood:
- Ask for a sandbox. Make whatever you are evaluating available to decisionmakers and users so that they can understand and appreciate the potential value in the first moments of first contact.
- Enthusiasm is the secret ingredient to driving adoption. Real enthusiasm rubs off, but you have to be genuinely convinced what you are trying to implement is great.
- Consider starting with a small win, to pave the way for bigger initiatives. Amadeus started with a pilot in one area, allowing them to pivot and test the benefit for other areas and to gain some experience.
- Defining your first standard data model can be a daunting task, but it is a priceless resource to base all of your technologies on going forward. Starting with Ironclad’s basic data model as a launchpad gave Amadeus the opportunity to further define a data model for all contracts, as well as some more business unit specific contracts.
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