Ironclad's native eSignature tool

Best-in-class CLM, now with best-in-class eSignature

Elevate your signing processes with a modern eSignature solution that’s embedded in the Ironclad CLM.

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decrease in eSignature spend


minutes saved per contract


reduction in sales cycle deal time

Ironclad Signature brings unparalleled context and flexibility to eSignature, making it your one-stop signing shop.

Sign confidently with contract review context

When was the contract redlined? What issues were discussed? Am I the right approver? Ironclad is the only eSignature provider that surfaces all that context and more. It allows users to: 

  • See a contract’s full approval history, plus an executive summary of relevant key terms for internal signers
  • Configure up to 12 key terms to surface to internal signers before they sign, including counterparty name, renewal date, and total contract value


See the signing experience in action →

"Our various cross-functional partners like the ease of use and speed of signature. Another big appeal, at least from our side, is seeing who the approvers are and the seamless transition across all of our workflows."

Elie Malkoun

Senior Paralegal


Configure, launch, and sign contracts–all in one place

Because it’s fully embedded in the CLM platform, Ironclad Signature can be launched directly within a workflow or from the Ironclad Dashboard, allowing users to stay in a single system while collecting data every step of the way. They can:

  • Send low-lift, high-volume contracts straight to signature from the Dashboard
  • Easily access both the approval audit trail data collected at time of signature and the contract metadata in the Ironclad Repository


How to get started with Ironclad Signature →

"Not only was moving to Ironclad Signature a seamless transition, but we've seen higher completion rates for all our sales and legal contracts making our signature process faster and more efficient."

Lisa Nguyen

Legal Operations Manager


Stay flexible on acceptance methods, depending on business needs

No matter the contract type or the volume, Ironclad Signature has a purpose-built sending and signing experience. It enables users to:

  • Choose between using Ironclad Signature, Click-to-Accept, or a preferred 3rd party eSignature provider to sign
  • Only pay for the contracts that get fully executed

"After starting with Clickwrap for our bulk influencer agreements, we rolled out Ironclad Signature to our MSAs, SOWs and other contract types that enable members across the organization to sign and get contracts executed with greater ease."

Lee Yeung

Senior Contracts Manager

Collectively Inc.

Lindsey Nelson

Director, Legal - Commercial


With Ironclad Signature, internal signers can now see the stakeholders who have approved the workflow and then immediately sign, resulting in a much more efficient, transparent signature process.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are contracts signed with Ironclad Signature legally binding?

Yes, Ironclad Signature was designed to comply with ESIGN and UETA electronic signature requirements within the United States and with the European Union’s eIDAS SES standard. More complex standards, including eIADS AES and QES, are not supported at this time.

For a full list of the electronic signature compliance standards that Ironclad Signature adheres to today, see this reference guide.

Is Ironclad Signature available as a stand-alone solution outside of Ironclad CLM, and who can access this feature?

No, Ironclad Signature is not sold as a stand-alone SKU and cannot be purchased without at least one CLM seat.

Ironclad Signature is available for all user seats (requestor, standard, and administrator). By default, all users in the “Administrators” group can configure Ironclad Signature at the workflow level or can activate Send for Signature in Group Permissions, allowing a user to send documents directly for signature without a workflow configuration.

Can I use Ironclad CLM with other signature providers?

Yes, Ironclad CLM users can use one of our supported signature provider integrations in addition to Ironclad Signature in one company / production instance. Users can designate their preferred signature provider by the workflow configuration.

How does Ironclad Signature's pricing work?

Ironclad Signature doesn’t charge users based on eSignature envelopes. Instead, only contracts that are fully executed get counted towards your purchased credits.

What are the various methods available for sending a document to obtain a signature?

There are a number of ways you can send a document for signature. With Ironclad Signature, users can: 

  • Select Ironclad Signature from within an Ironclad workflow 
  • Upload, tag, and send documents for signature directly from the Dashboard 
  • Programmatically generate and render documents outside of Ironclad via the Ironclad Signature API