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How CLOs are Making an Outsized Impact in 2022

Hear from some of the most inspiring in-house legal leaders today – true innovators making an outsized impact on both their own organizations and the industry at large.

Key takeaways

  • There’s no one straight path to legal leadership or the role of CLO. Both Michele and Carolyn had winding journeys, from waitressing to NGOs to private practice and beyond. They suggested building relationships and seeking opportunities to learn and grow as the best possible ways to find the right path for you.
  • The remit of CLOs is expanding significantly beyond legal. CLOs have to consider not just legal and compliance implications, but also put problems into context and consider reputational, financial, and operational impacts. This is where areas like ESG, DEI, and social impact come into play.
  • What qualities should legal professionals foster to grow their careers? To be a successful legal leader, it’s critical to be curious and agile. Other qualities include transparency and empathy, especially in our volatile macroeconomic climate.
  • Cross-functional collaboration is essential. In-house legal teams must work with their internal business partners to identify where legal can provide the most value to the business, surface data that helps other teams improve operations, and improve processes. Often, legal leaders must proactively engage in these conversations.
  • Technology can be your secret weapon for professional development. The whole panel emphasized finding and using the right tech as a great way to free yourself from manual tasks and focus on more strategic work.

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