Ironclad Repository

Get Full Visibility Across Your Entire Contract Database

Transform the way you operate with the AI-powered Ironclad Repository. With all your contracts in one place, you’ll have the full context of your agreements, from creation to close, right where you need it.

Upload contracts at scale, then search, track, and extract data quickly to identify trends and opportunities. The Ironclad Repository lets you upload contracts 75% faster while saving up to 40% on costs.

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Repository - Search


Upload, index, and store contracts at scale

Now you can upload your contracts – both structured and unstructured –and organize data in a single, secure, AI-powered source of truth. With Ironclad Repository’s Smart Import feature, teams can: 

  • Bulk scan and index new and legacy contracts using optical character recognition (OCR) tech
  • Automatically tag and store 194+ AI-detected contract metadata properties 
  • Configure linking between related records 


How to make the most out of Smart Import →

"With Ironclad’s Smart Import, uploading legacy contracts is 40-50% faster and we get 2-3 times more contract data than before. It solves one of my biggest pain points."

Daniela Lagoteta

Legal And Compliance Analyst



Find agreements faster

Locate agreements quickly with a powerful search experience designed specifically for contracts. Our search, which supports advanced search syntax, allows users to: 

  • Search and filter contracts by any saved record property 
  • Configure and save custom search views 
  • Export record metadata and share access-controlled search views


See how advanced search works →

"I like having a fully searchable repository so I can find data and information when I need it."

Sandra Jadur

Associate Director

Contracts at Innovapptive Inc


Visualize your contract data

Dive deep into your contract data with Ironclad Insights, our AI-powered contract analytics tool–no developer or outside teams required. Drawing from the contract metadata stored in the Ironclad Repository, Ironclad Insights allows teams to: 

  • Create graphs, charts, and reports to visualize data and share learnings 
  • Monitor team KPIs, renewals, contractual obligations, and more
  • Identify contract life cycle trends and inefficiencies to optimize business processes


Watch how to unlock contract intelligence →

"Ironclad Insights gives us the data we need to make informed, impactful decisions based on contract data that was previously impossible to define."

Daniel Michalek

Legal Operations Manager



Get end-to-end visibility

Use the Repository to trace the full audit trail of every contract generated on Ironclad. Within the Ironclad Repository, teams see: 

  • Who created the contract, when, and who has interacted with it since 
  • What terms and clauses were redlined and by whom 
  • How much time was spent negotiating between teams and counterparties


…and much more. 

"This has been a game changer for us. For the first time, we have visibility across all our contracts, past and present, with minimal investment."

Sarah McGonigle

Associate General Counsel


Reonomy logo

Ezinne Okpo

VP of Legal


On any given day, I receive a number of questions like ‘What was the exclusivity term?’, ‘What were the pricing terms of that?’ Being able to quickly pull up the terms of any agreement, filter, and tag certain things on Ironclad has been essential.

Read the Customer Story

Want to learn more?

See how Ironclad Repository can help you organize all contract data in a single, secure, AI-powered source of truth

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